Genre : Post-rock, Math-rock, Japan
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Tracklist :
1. 決断は無限の扉を開くのでは無く無限の誤謬に『終止符』を打つ。
2. 天涯万里、必然を起こすは人に在り、偶然を成すは『天』に在り。
3. 秤を伴わない剣は暴走を、剣を伴わない秤は『無力』を意味する。
4. 夜光の珠も闇に置けば光彩を放つが白日に曝せば『魅力』を失う。
5. 勝望美景を愛し、酒食音律の享楽を添え、画に写し『世』に喩え。
6. 性は危険と遊戯を、つまり異性を最も危険な『玩具』として欲す。
7. 人々が個を偉人と称する時が来れば彼は既に『傀儡』へと変わる。
8. 闇に残る遅咲きは、艶やかな初花より愛らしく『夢』と共になり。
9. 逆さまにゆかぬ年月、幸福に最も近い消耗がまた『明日』も来る。
10. 自由と孤立と己とに充ちた現代に生きた犠牲として訪れる『未来』
11. 瞼の裏に夜明けの眠りが、閉じた瞳と思い出に『目覚め』を求む。
12. 『参弐零参壱壱壱弐伍壱九参壱伍九伍弐壱七伍伍伍四壱四壱六四』
translation using google translate :
1. The decision of opening the door to the fallacy of infinite infinity without hitting [end 』.
2. Wanli horizon, is in the people who cause naturally, form a [Heaven's situated in the accident.
3. The sword without the scales runaway, 』scales without the sword [mean inability.
4. 曝Se the light of day if I place a sparkling pearl of the luminous darkness [』lose appeal.
5. Masaru Nozomu love scenery, together with the enjoyment of the prosody 酒食, duplicate painting 』[compared to the world.
6. Is a game of danger, the opposite sex that is most dangerous toys [欲Su as 』.
07. He called in due time the great man [individual people have already turned into a puppet 』.
8. Serotinous remain dark, glossy and lovely than the first flower [be with Dreams.
9. Yukanu years upside down, and wear [tomorrow 』come closest to happiness as well.
10. 充Chita modern living sacrifice to come as yourself and the isolation and freedom [the Future
11. Sleep at dawn on the back of eyelids, eyes closed and Memories Wanted [Awakening 』.
12. [See 弐零 九参壱伍九伍弐壱七伍伍伍四壱四壱六四 壱 see 壱 弐伍 壱 壱 』
Japanese instrumental quartet, té, formed in Tokyo, Japan in 2004. The band quickly gained praise from critics and fans alike due to their energetic and inspirational live performances.
The music of te’ is so aggressive and emotional with its heavy sound and tremendous roar. That is one of the reasons why their music was sometimes compared to hardcore music. Not only the heaviness, but they play so delicately a beautiful melody methodically and tightly. To express these two completely different senses at the same time, the music of te’ doesn’t need vocals at all. One big reason why te’ is now getting offers to play in another countries like U.S.A, Asia, is because of their high quality of their stage. Everyone who watches their stage, they won’t believe how they play those music with their aggressive stage performances. There is a completely new scene ahead for the audiences who have experienced the music of te’.
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